
Just Friends

I love it when you
say "You're the most beautiful
woman in the room"
Your eyes reveal a
bacchnalia of warm care
I wish I loved you.


Amorous Apiaries

I want,
my bee stung lips
to sing you
a honey dripped melody
of love's humble journey

I want you ,
to stir the sticky nectar
my golden honeypot -

Tell me worker bee
that I am,

your sweet thighed maiden
your golden honey goddess

Sunday with Shoaleh

Dainty little hands,

Sleeping so softly in mine

Nothing else matters -

Your sighs are sweet to

me, like virgin honeycomb

Or, a sunset prayer


Soaring from Broken Wings

Tonight I sat and re-read some old books of mine. Khalil Gibran "The Broken Wing" was in my stack. I scanned back overthe words I highlighted so long ago, when I was younger and newly wed "... make my soul an envelope for your soul, and my heart a residence for your beauty and my breast a grave for your sorrows..."... ah the words someone young would become entraptured with......

Time, as always, changes things. Love has come and gone, and I have been alone for a while - I reread the same book, and same words that I had read so many years ago... but a different verse spoke to me this time "Solitude has soft, silky hands, but with strong fingers it grasps the heart and makes it ache with sorrow. Solitude is the ally of sorrow as well as a companion of spiritual exaltation"... he said it so perfectly.

I never would have dreamed for me the life I have now - nor could I ever be more grateful for my years of aloneness. I know who I am, what I am capable of, that my children can thrive on the life I have provided them, and the love I have given them, that I am loved for no one's merits but my own, that I can survive, and not just survive - but soar. It is not just spiritual, but personal exaltation.

....... however, "soft, silky hands with strong fingers" do sound yummy sometimes....... but then I might have to share my closet......